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December 27, 2007


home theater

I am glad you are going front projection, many folks buy tv's thinking they will get the true home theater experience some believe they do however they really are cheating themselves watching blu ray on a tv. I started one of the premier
Home Theater web sites htmarket in the year 2000 back then home theater the word was used to describe a dedicated room with a very large screen at least 7 feet wide with front projector and most rooms incorporated Home Theater Seating usually with a raised platform. Since then the large players, panasonic, best buy etc have taken the word home theater and used it to mean "tv room". I still think a true home theater is using front projection with at least a 7 foot wide screen and should have some elements of a real movie theater experience including surround sound. We show some Home Theater Pictures on htmarket.com to show what it's like.

I like you that you emphasize true home theater screens and don't just do tv reviews on your blog.

Laptopz Coupon Codes

i thought Sony's TV business had finally pulled into the black after years of losses

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