HomeTheaterReview - not HomeTheaterVIEW, which is what you're reading right now - has an interesting take on how the home theater sales environment has changed since the recession, and how to cope. It's partly a pitch for online advertising, partly a manifesto. Oddly enough, I agree with the advertising part, but he's missing a few pieces in the manifesto:
- Are boutique bricks-and-mortar A/V stores relevant in an amazon.com age? (Short answer: only if they're truly boutiques.)
- Is seated home audio relevant in an iPod/dock age? (While there are exceptions -- witness the rebirth of vinyl -- generally speaking the answer here is, "not for anyone younger than 35.")
- Are editorial-driven magazines (in print or online) relevant in an age of semi-pro blogs and forums? (If my friends writing for these publications are any indication, probably not.)
It's going to be an interesting new fronteir for the custom installer. Eachone needs to sit back and determine what their unique selling proposition is and their target market is. None of us can compete on price with Amazon and Costco. We need to be creative and Loved by our clinets and future clients.
Posted by: Long Beach Home Theater Design | April 22, 2010 at 09:24 PM
I think you have a thorough understanding in this matter. You describe in detail all here.
Posted by: RamonGustav | August 23, 2010 at 07:29 PM